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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

Sharing Faith

At Jesus’ going away supper, while others dined and conversed with Him, Mary, out of sheer gratitude, felt a compulsion to anoint Jesus. So she anointed His feet using a very expensive ointment, and her hair was the towel. It was nothing strange to anoint dead bodies, but it was a strange sight to behold the anointment of a living person. Some thought it was a sexual advancement and were very critical of her, others thought that she broke protocol and was being disrespectful. It would seem that no one, except Jesus, was grateful for what she did.

It’s one thing to have a death threat hanging over your head by the government or anyone else. But a death threat from within the body of believers is frightening. Such was Lazarus’ experience. He was the next best choice since he was responsible for many Jews believing in Jesus. In Jamaican Creole we say: “If yu kian catch quako yu catch im shut”, meaning if you are unable to get to the person you need, you will take the next best. Since Jesus was proving to be so ‘slippery’ to their grasp, they would take Lazarus instead and make him a public example of what will happen to all who believe in Jesus. Imagine that, the leaders of the Church, who are appointed to be the intercessors between God and man on Earth, planning to murder?

Salt can loose its savor and when it does, it is good for nothing. No sensible person would use salt that cannot flavor. Similarly, as Christians, we cannot behave like the world. We must be different. While we mingle with the world, we must not allow ourselves to be led astray. Should this happen, there will be no sanctifying power to diffuse the darkness. As God’s children, we cannot be seen as whoremongers, murders, liars, sexual immoral, idolaters, or abominable. We cannot be like them. We should be the example, the light, the salt.

Perhaps you have been clowning with those you are most comfortable. You may only laugh, talk, or share with those who are in your comfort zone. The invitation is for you too. Widen your circle. Greet guests who visit your church. Say hi to people you meet on the street. Invite your church guest home for dinner. Share the love of Jesus with everyone. Invite them to become a member of Jesus’ Kingdom. Show that we can love everyone, not just those who share our beliefs.

As Christians, we too have a responsibility to shine. In this age, when gross darkness covers the Earth, we are to arise and shine our light, lifting up Jesus Christ for all to see. We are to reflect the Source of our light in our words and deeds so that others will praise God. Just as the sun gives light to the circulating Earth, similarly, we are to let our light shine wherever darkness exists.

I can brighten the corner where I stand. I can be like a pebble dropped in the water. The combined action of all God’s children, in brightening their corners or be like pebbles dropped in water, will attract the lost and dying to the Christ we love. The ripple effect will spread wide and far.